
Defective Septic Tank Lids Cause Death

Sep 03 2021 14:05

Septic tanks can be one of the most dangerous property hazards. Many septic tank systems use a manhole system so that the septic tank can be accessed from above ground. Companies that manufacture these systems often use plastic lids that can break, which can expose the septic tank below. Sometimes, however, the plastic lid remains on the manhole to make it look as if the system is secure. This essentially creates a trap, and children fall into septic tanks and drown every year.

The manufacturers of septic tanks and the plastic lids know that the lids can break and result in a dangerous condition, and they manufacture safety devices to prevent falls. One such device is (unbelievably) called a “kid catcher.” Manufacturers, however, sell these safety devices separately – like selling a car without a seatbelt or airbag – to generate revenue. Safety is never an option and these safety devices should always be included with the product. Moreover, installers of septic tanks often do not automatically install the safety devices with the septic tank.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed due to falling into a dangerous septic tank, the lawyers at Cloud, Ryan & Rouse, LLC are here to help. We know the rules, regulations, and safety practices that apply to septic tank installation and maintenance, and have experience representing people who have been harmed by septic tanks. Call us today for a free consultation, and we can get to work on your case today.

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